“Simple. Prudent.”

February 1, 2022

“Simple. Prudent.”

Blessings folk!

How do you approach things?
Do you seek the Lord?
Do you seek your own way.
Do you react?
Do you act?

Give heed to the Word of the Lord…

Pro 14:15
The simple believes everything,
but the prudent gives thought to his steps.

One who is “simple” (not thinking, not considering) believes everything.
They believe what they are told.
Many, many are like this today.
We have been taught/trained to respond to instruction rather than to “think for ourselves”.
Most fear being called names…”conspiracy theorists”, etc.

Here is a harsh, shocking truth that becomes more real and apparent everyday…

Most of what we “know” is not true…or the complete truth.

Foundational things.
Things we take for granted.
We have been taught them, yet they are not true.

I would give you a list of some things on my mind, but, most are not ready to consider such.

The prudent?
The prudent gives thought to his steps.
He considers.
He “studies over”.

Which are we?

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