
March 1, 2015


Blessings folk!

The Lord has told us in His Word.
The day would come.
We are there.

2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,

Man will not endure sound doctrine.
Remember, this is in the context of the “church”...the organization.
Such profess to be believers, yet, they will not endure sound doctrine.

Why not?
What do they want?

You just read it.
They want their ears tickled.
They want to be entertained in what they hear.
They want to hear something pleasant.
They want to “feel good”.
They do not want conviction of the Spirit.
They do not want exhortation of the Lord.

Because of this, they will “accumulate for themselves”...what a great phrase...teacher.
These teachers will be in accordance with the desires of the people.
The teachers are more than willing to tickle.

We see it today.
It is the norm.
Ticklers of ears.
They look the part expected.
They sound wonderful.
They speak a mixture of truth and corruption.

Beware of such.
Know the Word.
Be ready.
Do not be deceived.
In season.
Out of season.