"Rich, Ruler, Young, Grieved"

September 11, 2013

“Rich, Ruler, Young, Grieved”

Blessings Folk!

Matthew 19:16-22
Mark 10:17-22
Luke 18:18-23

Man always looks for the “one thing to do” so that they may procure eternal life and proper relationship with God.

We do so many things, save that which the Lord asks.

A young man inquired of Jesus what good thing needed to be done to obtain eternal life.
Note the situation.
The man ran up to Jesus…
The man was setting out on a journey…
It is as if he wanted to “take care of this eternal life thing” then “get on with life.”

So much of what the “church” does today has the same attitude.
The Kingdom is not an addendum to our lives.
The Kingdom is Life.

Jesus asked why the man was asking Him about what is good.
Then, Jesus told him to keep the commandments.
Jesus listed some of the ten commandments - the ones that deal with our relationship to other people.

The man said he had kept these.

Jesus did not question this.
Jesus felt a love for him.
“A” love for him?

Jesus told the man to give up that which he worshipped - his possessions.
...to sell all he possessed.
...to give it all to the poor.
...to seek the treasure in heaven.

The young man went away grieving.
He had much.
He loved his stuff much.

What do we worship?