"Master! Lookt At the Beautiful Buildings…"

January 23, 2014

“Master! Look At the Beautiful Buildings…”

Blessings folk!

Jesus said the world would know that we are His disciple by our love for OneAnother.

The world should be forgiven for their confusion.

The world looks.
From their perspective it appears that the Kingdom consists of:
  • buildings
  • organization
  • programs
  • rules/regulations
  • theological arguments

This is nothing new.
The things of the world have often distracted the Kingdom.
One of Jesus’ disciples experienced it...tried to distract Jesus.

Mark 13:1
1 As He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples *said to Him, “Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!”

Jesus was walking out of the temple after an intense encounter with the religious rulers - woe to them.

I believe the disciple was innocently trying to “lighten” the moment and distract Jesus.
Jesus was having nothing to do with it.
He told them that the buildings would be destroyed.

We as the Body of Christ - OneAnother - often communicate, perhaps unintentionally, that the “church” is the building where we meet.

Often within the organization church the NonAnothers (a term that refers to those who would claim to be believers, who are “members” of the organization, yet are not truly saved...the tares...more later) push the things that are of the world in the name of the Lord.

This happens more often than not.

Where do you stand?

Are you truly saved and living the life of love manifested in lov’n OneAnother?
Or, are you living the religious life of the NonAnother who busy themselves with worldly things in the name of the Kingdom?

Seek first His kingdom.
Trust Him for all else.