
November 6, 2013


Blessings Folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 26:21-25
Mark 14:18-21
Luke 22:21-23
John 13:21-30

Jesus knew that he would be betrayed.
He knew who would do it.
Yet, Jesus chose him to follow...some interesting things there…

Jesus told the twelve.
He was troubled in spirit.
They were deeply grieved.
They each ask Jesus if it was them.
When Judas “asked”, the Lord said he testified himself.

In reading all the gospels we receive the full account.
Peter and John inquired as to who it was.
Jesus “dipped the morsel” and gave it to Judas.

After Judas received, satan entered into him.
Interesting timing.

Judas received sustenance from his Creator, yet He did not believe.
Enter satan.

Jesus said to him, “what you do, do quickly.”
Who is him/you?
Was Jesus speaking to Judas?
Well, yes.
Was Jesus speaking to satan who was in Judas?

Receive from the Lord.
Resist the enemy.