"Jesus Mocked - While on the Cross"

December 9, 2013

“Jesus Mocked - While on the Cross”

Blessings folk!

Today’s reading:

Matthew 27:38-43
Mark 15:27-32
Luke 23:35-38

Jesus was hung with criminals.
The world considered Him to be a common criminal.
The Jewish religious leadership considered Him a heretic.
As was prophesied, He was counted among the lawless ones.

Those passing by mocked Him, shaking their heads saying “You could destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself! If you are God’s Son, come down from the cross!”
The chief priests, experts in the law and elders joined in the haranguing.

“He saved others, but He cannot save Himself.” “He is the king of Israel! If He comes down now from the cross, we will believe in Him!”
“He trust in God - let God, if He wants to, deliver Him now because He said, ‘I am God’s Son’!”

What evil of tongue.
What hatred of heart.
What fear of man.

Yet, I suspect that some of these would soon believe.
The Word tells us that “not a small number of priests” believed after Jesus was resurrected.

The world will sneer and mock.
The Religionists will hurl hatred in the “name of God”.

Be not surprised when the same happens to us that happened to Jesus.
He told us it would.