"Sing, Proclaim, Tell"

January 16, 2016

“Sing, Proclaim, Tell”

Blessings folk!

After recounting the history of what Israel had done, we read this…

1Ch 16:23-24
Sing to the LORD, all the earth;
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.
Tell of His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.

David’s psalm of thanks returns to exhorting the people to…
sing to the Lord…all the earth
proclaim good tidings of His salvation…when?…day to day
tell of His glory among the nations…the unbelievers
tell of His wonderful deeds…among all the peoples

We are called to do such.

To sing to the Lord.
To worship the Lord.
To proclaim salvation…to tell of His glory…His deeds to all.

Sadly, most have been told that we are to “get people to church” and the like.

What might the Lord do if we…
lived as He instructed
proclaimed Him as instructed
proclaimed/lived the Gospel as commanded ?

I suspect that our lives would be changed and folk would be drawn by the Spirit to the Lord.

Let us exchange our lives of fleshly attempt for lives of abiding obedience.

Then, shall the Lord be glorified.