
June 2, 2013


Blessings Folk!
Matthew 15:32-39
Mark 8:1-10

Most have heard of the “feeding of the 5,000”.
Less know that Jesus fed 4,000 another time.

Jesus felt compassion for the people.
They had been with Him for three days.
They had nothing to eat.

Again, the disciples asked where they could get such provision.

Jesus asked what they had.
Seven loaves of bread.
A few small fish.

Remember what the Lord did…
  • Seated the people
  • Took the loaves and fish and gave thanks
  • Broke the loaves and fish and gave to disciples
  • The disciples gave to the people

All ate.
All were satisfied.
Seven baskets full of broken pieces.

Are you allowing the Lord to give you that which He is distributing for others?