“Eat Not the Flesh With Its Life”

September 5, 2016

“Eat Not the Flesh With Its Life”

Blessings folk!

Prior to the Flood, man ate of the green plant and fruit of the tree.
After the Flood, God gave man to eat of “every moving thing that is alive.”

Why did God do this?
We are not told.
Likely, man would have additional dietary needs due to the change of climate…the original “climate change”.

But, there was a caveat.

Gen 9:3-4
“Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.
“Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.

They could not eat the flesh with its life, it blood.

An important principle.
Blood is the life.

God places importance upon the blood.

They could eat of the flesh, just not raw.

How “rare is rare”?

There is no guideline for “rare, medium-rare” etc.

The idea is that the flesh was to be cooked.

Again, we are not told, but, it likely has to do with…

  • dietary safety concerns
  • covenant concerns related to the sin of Cain

The Lord was providing what man needed.
He was doing so in a way “not seen before.”

By faith, Noah believed and built an Ark.
By faith, Noah believed and heeded the command of the Lord.
By faith, someone took the first bite… Happy

Live, by faith.