
October 18, 2017


Blessings folk!

James and John wanted to be seated on the right/left of Jesus when He came into His glory.

As we saw yesterday, Jesus dealt with them.

But, what was the response of the other disciples?

Well…we can imagine from what we have seen.

But, we do not have to imagine.

The Lord tells us…

Mar 10:41-45

Hearing this, the ten began to feel indignant with James and John.

Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them.

“But it is not this way among you,
but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant;

and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

The other ten disciples were indignant.
They were put off.
They were irritated.

The stress between the disciples continued.

They had been discussing..arguing?…over which was the greater.

Now, two brothers sought to usurp them all.

Jesus’ response?

He gave the rulers of the Gentiles as an example.


He basically said they were asking like Gentiles.

Those rulers…

  • lord over
  • exercise authority

Then Jesus told them…it is not not way among you.

Among them…among us…
  • whoever wishes to be great among you shall be your servant
  • whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all

The antithesis of the way of the world.

Jesus is the example.
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
The Son of Man came to give His life a ransom for many.

So should we.

Do not “lord over” one another…especially within the Body of Christ.
