
November 9, 2020


Blessings folk!

We have been looking in the Word at how the people of the Lord prayed to Him…as a people.

We were praying leading up to an election.

We now pray after an election.

We have seen how the people acknowledged how they and their forefathers behaved…sinned.


Neh 9:31
“Nevertheless, in Your great compassion You did not make an end of them or forsake them,
For You are a gracious and compassionate God.

God did not make an end of them.
He could have.
He had every “right” to do so.

Yet, He did not.


Because of His great compassion.
Because of His graciousness.

Not only did He not make an end of them, He also did not forsake them.

Even when they were undergoing His punishment, He did not forsake them.
Even as they sinned and turned against Him, He did not forsake them.
Even as they went their own way.
He did not forsake them.

The Lord has not forsaken us.

Have we forsaken Him?

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